Food intolerance test
IgG food sensitivity testing is a simple and effective way to identify foods that may trigger an inflammatory response. Excessive sensitivity of the body to foods contributes to chronic health problems. Identifying these sensitivities can be critical to healing the body and alleviating unexplained signs and symptoms.
Unlike many laboratories that only measure IgG4 molecules, the Endala clinic offers a more comprehensive measurement of total IgG antibodies against various food antigens and Candida (yeast) antibodies. IgG4 antibodies make up less than 6% of total IgG antibodies, and testing only for IgG4 antibodies (which is what most core laboratories focus on) limits the ability to identify foods that could cause significant clinical reactions in their patients.
Who is the test suitable for:
- Food intolerance (190 tested foods)
- Fatigue
- Skin problems, Acne
- Concentration disorders
- Chronic inflammation
- Autoimmune disease
Sampling method: a drop of blood from a finger
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