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Pounce on

Spring detox

Fight back

Spring fatigue

Draw power from

Pollen and grasses

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Natural beauty

Health is a journey

Health is a journey

We use the intelligence of nature

the difference that Endala brings
95% of dietary supplements on the market are artificially or chemically produced. 99% of our Endala products are 100% natural. They are obtained directly by fermentation from non-genetically modified fruits and vegetables, so that our bodies recognize them and absorb nutrients better.
No unnecessary fillers, no excessive doses, only natural effective supplements that are backed by research and real-life experience.


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Honzo's packages

Based on the most common topics that I deal with people in the practice, I offer you packages that cover those topics. Let the packages inspire you, it's a great option to use the power of nature to support your health.

Honzo's packages

Save 10%Natural Duo Vitality Package
Natural Duo Vitality Package Sale price1.297,00 Kč Regular price1.447,00 Kč
Save 11%Sports and energy
Sports and energy Sale price1.377,00 Kč Regular price1.554,00 Kč
Save 10%Package of energy and hormonal balance
Package of energy and hormonal balance Sale price1.127,00 Kč Regular price1.247,00 Kč
Save 10%Natural Duo Vitality Package
Natural Duo Vitality Package Sale price1.297,00 Kč Regular price1.447,00 Kč
Save 11%Sports and energy
Sports and energy Sale price1.377,00 Kč Regular price1.554,00 Kč
Save 10%Package of energy and hormonal balance
Package of energy and hormonal balance Sale price1.127,00 Kč Regular price1.247,00 Kč
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Red light therapy

By harnessing the natural healing power of red and near infrared wavelengths, you can improve the way you look, feel and live.

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Take care of yours

Intimate health

Use state-of-the-art technology with the goal of maximum health support.

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News from the world of Endala

Když je smoothie méně zdravé: Banány a flavanoly

Když je smoothie méně zdravé: Banány a flavanoly

Smoothie jsou moderním trendem pro zdravé stravování a mnoho lidí si je nemůže vychvalovat. Jenže nové poznatky z vědeckého výzkumu přinášejí překvapivou novinku – banány, častá ingredience v smoo...

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Cholesterol: Víc než jen tuk v krvi

Cholesterol: Víc než jen tuk v krvi

Když se řekne cholesterol, většina z nás si představí něco, co bychom měli ve stravě omezit. Ale cholesterol má ve skutečnosti i jiné, méně známé úlohy. Je součástí systému, který pomáhá našemu t...

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Světlo, kvantová fyzika a naše každodenní životy

Světlo, kvantová fyzika a naše každodenní životy

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