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Article: Bioelectric Mechanisms of Regeneration: The Critical Role of Direct Currents and Ferroelectric Properties in the Regulation of Cell Differentiation and Tissue Homeostasis

Bioelektrické mechanismy regenerace: Kritická role stejnosměrných proudů a feroelektrických vlastností v regulaci buněčné diferenciace a tkáňové homeostázy

Bioelectric Mechanisms of Regeneration: The Critical Role of Direct Currents and Ferroelectric Properties in the Regulation of Cell Differentiation and Tissue Homeostasis

MD Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine and bioelectromagnetism, made a significant contribution to the understanding of the role of bioelectrical phenomena in the regulation of key cellular processes such as growth, differentiation, apoptosis and regeneration with his experiments. His findings offer a new conceptual framework for the integration of biochemical and biophysical mechanisms in living systems and open the way for the development of innovative therapeutic approaches.

Becker's research yielded several key findings:

1. Living tissues exhibit semiconductor properties and are permeated by endogenous direct currents of nanoampere intensity. These "injury currents" play a key role in the management of regenerative processes, and their disruption can lead to impaired healing and chronic inflammation.
2. The source of bioelectrical signals is probably ferroelectric domains in mitochondrial cytochromes, which create a quantum interconnected system connecting all cells in tissues. The ferroelectric nature of mitochondria enables the formation of stable electric dipoles, which participate in the creation of endogenous electric fields and control of cell differentiation.
3. The nervous system participates in the regulation of regeneration through direct currents generated by mechanical deformation of tissues and interaction with polarized water in the extracellular space. Nerve signals thus modulate local bioelectrical gradients and influence the behavior of stem and progenitor cells.
4. Bioelectric currents have a quantum character and can be mediated by Josephson transitions in gap junctions or nonlinear optical phenomena in semiconductors with a wide band gap (WBG), such as cytochromes or melanin. These quantum effects enable the coherent transmission of information and the synchronization of cellular processes at the tissue level.
5. Mitochondria function as cellular photoreceptors and transducers that transform solar radiation (especially the UV and infrared spectrum) into electrical signals controlling metabolism and signaling cascades. Thus, light plays a fundamental role in the regulation of cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis through the modulation of the redox state, the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the activation of transcription factors.
6. The application of exogenous direct currents with an intensity in the range of microamperes can induce dedifferentiation into a pluripotent state and subsequent redifferentiation into the target cell types in mammalian cells. This phenomenon, referred to as "bioelectrical reprogramming", represents a promising strategy for in vivo regeneration of tissues and organs without the need for cell transplantation.
7. Disturbances in bioelectrical signaling, caused for example by chronic deprivation of UV radiation, electromagnetic smog or toxic substances, can lead to disruption of intercellular communication, dysregulation of apoptosis and oncogenic transformation. Tumor cells are characterized by altered membrane potential, ferroelectric properties and resistance to light-induced apoptosis, which underlines the role of bioelectrical mechanisms in the etiology of cancer.
The integration of Becker's findings into current medical paradigms requires a fundamental conceptual shift from a reductionist emphasis on molecular processes to a holistic view of living systems as complex bioelectrical networks. This perspective emphasizes the role of tissue organization, intercellular communication and biophysical interactions in the regulation of cellular behavior and opens up new possibilities for therapeutic interventions.

Research into the bioelectrical mechanisms of regeneration and tumor transformation should focus on the following areas:

a) Clarification of the role of ferroelectric properties of mitochondria and other cellular components in the generation of endogenous electric fields and control of cell differentiation.
b) Development of non-invasive methods for measuring and modulating local bioelectrical gradients in vivo with the aim of supporting regeneration processes and suppressing malignant transformation.
c) Study of interactions between the nervous system, immunity and local bioelectrical signals in the context of tissue homeostasis and pathology.
d) Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms by which light of different wavelengths controls cellular processes through mitochondrial phototransduction and redox signaling.
e) Development of therapeutic protocols using controlled application of direct currents, electromagnetic fields and optical stimulation for regenerative medicine and oncological treatment.
Becker's pioneering research laid the foundation for an integrative and translational approach to regenerative medicine and oncology that combines insights from cell biology, biophysics, biocybernetics and other fields. His vision of "bioelectric medicine" represents a paradigm shift in our understanding and approach to human health, aging and disease. It is highly desirable that Becker's legacy be further developed and his revolutionary ideas integrated into modern medical practice and research.​​​​​​​​

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