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Article: Use of the REDelios PBM Panel in the Prevention and Treatment of Melanoma: An Expert Review

Použití REDelios PBM panelu v prevenci a léčbě melanomu: Odborný přehled

Use of the REDelios PBM Panel in the Prevention and Treatment of Melanoma: An Expert Review


Photobiomodulation (PBM) using red light is increasingly being investigated as a potentially effective method in the fight against skin cancer, especially melanoma. The REDelios PBM panel is one of the modern devices that uses this technology. This article summarizes the findings from several studies, provides a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of the REDelios panel in the prevention and treatment of melanoma, and presents recommendations for its use.

Overview of relevant studies

1. Inhibition of melanoma using red light (Austin et al., 2022):

- This study demonstrated that red light has the ability to inhibit the proliferation of melanoma cells and influence the tumor microenvironment. The results indicate that red light (RL) phototherapy increases apoptosis and oxidative stress in melanoma cells while enhancing the body's immune response.

2. LED photoprevention (Barolet et al., 2009):

- The study focused on the effect of repeated exposure to red light on the skin reaction after UVB radiation. It has been found that red light can reduce the minimum erythemal dose (MED) and thereby protect the skin from UV damage.

3. Transcriptomic analysis of the protective effects of red light (Kim et al., 2019):

- This study identified genes that are modulated by red light and play a role in protecting against UVB damage. Red light increases the adaptive response to oxidative stress and promotes DNA repair mechanisms.

4. Red light and DNA repair (Greene et al., 1998):

- Research has shown that red light can activate DNA repair processes and thereby reduce cellular damage caused by UV radiation.

5. Melanoma is not caused by sunlight (Christophers, 1998):

- Allen J. Christophers found in his study that melanoma is not primarily caused by sunlight. The study showed that genetic factors and other environmental influences play a key role in the development of melanoma, changing the traditional view of sunlight as the main culprit.

Recommended use of REDelios PBM panel

Based on the available scientific knowledge and conclusive study results, the following uses of the REDelios PBM panel can be recommended:

1. Prevention of skin damage by UV radiation:

- Regular use of the REDelios PBM panel before exposure to UV radiation (e.g. before staying in the sun or in a solarium).
- Recommended frequency: 2-3 times a week, always before expected exposure to UV radiation.
- Duration of therapy: 10-15 minutes per session.

2. Support for melanoma treatment:

- Using the REDelios PBM panel as an adjunct to standard melanoma treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy).
- Recommended frequency: 3-5 times a week, ideally in coordination with the oncologist.
- Duration of therapy: 15-20 minutes per session.

3. Preventive use in high-risk groups:

- Regular use of the REDelios PBM panel in people with an increased risk of melanoma (eg people with multiple atypical nevi, genetic predisposition, history of repeated skin burns).
- Recommended frequency: 2-3 times a week.
- Duration of therapy: 10-15 minutes per session.


Incorporating the REDelios PBM panel into prevention and treatment strategies represents a promising approach to improve skin protection and melanoma treatment. The REDelios PBM panel is a non-invasive and safe method with minimal side effects, making it an attractive choice for both patients and doctors.
The available evidence suggests that PBM using the REDelios panel can play an important role in the fight against melanoma and improving patients' quality of life. However, it is always advisable to consult your health condition and individual plan with a dermatologist or oncologist before starting therapy.
Considering the increasing incidence of melanoma, it is important to use all available preventive and treatment tools. The REDelios PBM panel appears to be an effective complement to a comprehensive approach to the prevention and treatment of melanoma, which also includes other measures such as regular skin checks, sun protection and a healthy lifestyle.
Further clinical studies are necessary to fully understand and optimize the effects of the REDelios PBM panel in practice. However, this tool can already be recommended as part of the modern arsenal in the fight against melanoma.
For more information, we recommend studying the studies available at [PubMed: LED photoprevention](, [Protective effects of red light](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm, and [Red light and DNA repair](

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