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Article: Sunlight and Hormones: Unraveling the Hidden World of Inner Radiation

Sluneční záření a hormony: Odhalení skrytého světa vnitřního záření

Sunlight and Hormones: Unraveling the Hidden World of Inner Radiation

In recent years, scientific research has revealed a fascinating connection between hormones and light that may completely change our understanding of human physiology. This connection goes much deeper than we ever thought and touches the very essence of cellular processes.

Hormones and their mysterious connection to UV radiation

Steroid hormones, including cortisol, testosterone, estradiol, and many others, exhibit a remarkable ability to absorb specific wavelengths of light. What is really surprising, however, is that most of these hormones have an absorption spectrum in the UVC region:
- Progesterone: 240-250 nm
- Cortisol: 240 nm
- Testosterone: 240-245 nm
- Aldosterone: 240 nm
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT): 241 nm
UVC radiation (100-280 nm) is typically blocked by the Earth's atmosphere and does not reach the Earth's surface. So how is it possible that our hormones are tuned to absorb this type of radiation?

Inner Light: The Key to the Mystery

The answer lies in our body's remarkable ability to create its own light. This phenomenon, known as bioluminescence or biophoton emission, suggests that our cells produce weak light emissions, including UVC radiation.
This internal production of light is not random, but is the result of precisely regulated metabolic processes. Mitochondrial function plays a key role here. Mitochondria, often called the "powerhouses of cells", are not only a source of energy, but also generators of this inner light.

Water as a medium for light transmission

An important factor in this process is the structured water in our cells. This water, arranged in specific patterns, can serve as a medium to transmit and amplify these weak light signals. It works as a kind of "light conductor" inside our body.

Implications for health and disease

This revelation has far-reaching implications for our understanding of health and disease:
1. Mitochondrial health: Optimal mitochondrial function is key not only for energy production, but also for proper "light signaling" in the body.
2. The Importance of Structured Water: Maintaining proper hydration and internal water quality may be critical to the transmission of these light signals.
3. Circadian rhythms: Internal light production can play a key role in regulating our biological clocks.
4. Hormonal balance: Disruption of this internal light signaling can lead to hormonal disorders.

Practical recommendations

Based on these findings, we can formulate some practical advice:
1. Optimizing Mitochondrial Function: Regular exercise, intermittent fasting, and proper nutrition can support mitochondrial health.
2. Quality hydration: Drinking pure, untreated water can help maintain the proper structure of internal water.
3. Minimizing Electromagnetic Smog: Limit exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields that can interfere with interior light signaling.
4. Regular circadian rhythm: Maintain consistent sleep and wake times to support healthy circadian rhythms.
5. Contact with nature: Regular exposure to nature can help synchronize our internal light processes with natural cycles.

Conclusion: A new perspective on human physiology

This fascinating revelation of the inner world of radiation in our body opens completely new perspectives in biomedicine. It shows that our body is actually a complex light system where hormones play the role of receptors for this inner light.
Understanding this subtle dance of light inside our cells could lead to a revolution in the prevention and treatment of disease. Perhaps we are approaching an era when "light therapy" will take on a whole new meaning - not as an external application of light, but as an optimization of our internal light processes.
As we continue to unravel these mysteries, it is clear that the connection between light, water, and life is much deeper and more complex than we ever imagined. This new understanding may be the key to unlocking new pathways to optimal health and vitality.​​​​​​​​​​​​

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