Lipoprint test
A new study on blood lipids shows that LDL (often called "bad cholesterol") is not homogeneous, and that several subpopulations can be identified within it: LDL 1-7 with mutually different atherogenic potential. Only small, dense LDLs are highly atherogenic, so a higher LDL level does not actually mean anything. Paradoxically, however, a normal LDL level with some elevated subfractions may mean a hidden risk of heart attack and stroke, which a classic lipid examination would never reveal.
Who is the test suitable for:
- Digestive problems - Reflux, Gastritis, ulcers
- Joint inflammation/pain
- Skin problems, acne
- Anemia
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Autoimmune disease
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Lipoprint test
Sale price2.900,00 Kč
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