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Article: Fermentation



Why do we use unique fermented food supplements?

Fermentation basically "pre-digests" the nutrients and the important substances in fermented food supplements are thus better biologically available. 🔬 Basically, this means that the body absorbs and uses them more easily.

If you take a non-fermented dietary supplement, your body may not get the most out of the product and thus fill the nutritional gaps. Many multivitamins are made with only synthetic, isolated nutrients that can be unyielding and difficult on the digestive system. These multivitamins can even cause nausea or indigestion and pass through the body without their potential being used.

We assemble our products from fermented vitamins, minerals and herbs to release all their beneficial substances. Fermentation breaks down nutrients, so they are pre-digested and ready for the body.🍀

It is the only natural food supplement without any chemical additives produced by patented technology. 💡This is a new generation of "intelligent" vitamins with peptide protein vectors that can accurately deliver nutrients to cells. They thus have a high degree of absorbability, a longer effect in the body and without toxins or side effects. Even a low dose produces fast and excellent effects

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