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Article: How artificial night light affects our weight: What you should know

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How artificial night light affects our weight: What you should know


Many of us are familiar with the recommendations for a healthy diet and regular exercise as ways to prevent obesity. A lesser known but equally important factor that can contribute to weight gain is exposure to artificial light at night (ALAN). Scientific studies show that nighttime lighting can disrupt our biological clocks and affect our health.

What is ALAN and how it affects the body

ALAN includes all the artificial lighting we are exposed to after dark - from street lamps to screen light. This light can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Low melatonin levels not only impair sleep quality, but can also increase appetite and decrease metabolic activity—all factors that contribute to weight gain.

Research and its findings

A new study analyzed satellite images of nighttime lighting and obesity data from more than 80 countries. The results showed a strong link between nighttime lighting and higher rates of obesity. Interestingly, this relationship was observed even after taking into account other factors such as standard of living, urbanization and eating habits.

Health effects and what to do with it

For those looking to improve their weight and overall health, it is important to minimize exposure to ALAN. Here are some tips to achieve this:
- Limit the use of electronic devices with screens at least an hour before bedtime.
- Use blackout curtains or blinds in the bedroom to make the environment as dark as possible.
- If you need light at night, choose sources with lower intensity and warmer color of light.


Although our everyday environment is increasingly "lit", it is important to understand the effects that artificial light can have on our health. Consciously reducing our exposure to artificial light at night can be a simple but effective step towards improving our health and controlling our weight. Always try to discuss lifestyle changes with your doctor or health advisor so that your activities are consistent with your personal health needs.

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