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Article: Nature is the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and spiritual satisfaction.

Příroda je klíčem k našemu estetickému, intelektuálnímu, kognitivnímu a duchovnímu uspokojení.

Nature is the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and spiritual satisfaction.


The idea that nature is the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and spiritual satisfaction reveals a deep connection between human cognition and the natural world. The proposal to deepen our understanding of nature as a basis for understanding the world above us extends this view of knowledge.

Deepening the knowledge of nature

Understanding geological and natural processes allows us to better understand the workings of our planet, including the atmosphere, oceans and continents. This knowledge is key to our ability to anticipate and respond to natural disasters, climate change and other global challenges.

The metaphysical and spiritual world

In spiritual and philosophical contexts, the term "world above us" can refer to higher states of consciousness or the spiritual plane. A true understanding of these planes requires a deep understanding of the fundamental nature of existence and the human condition. Exploring nature can offer us metaphors and principles that we can apply to these higher levels of reality.

Human experience

On a personal level, this view may suggest that we must first understand our internal processes—our emotions, thoughts, and motivations—in order to fully understand the world around us and our place in it.

Quantum experiences

In the quantum world, particles behave with indeterminacy and randomness, challenging our classical notion of determinism. Similarly, in the "world above" we encounter uncertainties and contingencies in our daily lives, from solar-driven weather patterns to economic fluctuations.


This call to deepen our understanding of nature and its relevance to the knowledge of the higher worlds emphasizes how important a deep understanding of the natural world is to our broader understanding of reality. This view allows us to better understand the complex web of relationships that exist in our world and realize that true understanding and wisdom can only be gained through a deep understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of reality.

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