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Article: Basic assumptions of healthy food

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Basic assumptions of healthy food

The basic premise of healthy food is that it is in accordance with natural laws and common sense 🧠, which was reflected in the somewhat forgotten habits of our ancestors.

Surprisingly for some, these rules can also be explained with the help of quantum physics and biochemistry.

1️⃣ The first rule is to eat as much natural and not industrially produced food as possible. Due to research into circadian rhythms, our organism is very sensitive to foods 🍅 produced under artificial light and with the addition of many preservatives or other chemicals.

2️⃣ The second rule is to observe, in the past, a common and enforced rule that food should be of local origin. The same rule can still be seen in nature today - no animal 🐰 except for artificially raised ones can get other than local food.

3️⃣ The third rule is also supported by nature and the customs of our ancestors, and that is seasonality. Due to the unforced behavior of our organism, we should not consume other than seasonal food.

All 3️⃣ basic rules of a healthy approach to eating, the so-called SLS, are historically proven, natural and logically explainable. The level of globalization makes it possible to fundamentally violate all three of these basic rules, and according to the latest research, it can be one of the causes of unhealthy conditions. 🤕

We will also gradually focus on individual foods.

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