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Revoluce v péči o těhotné: Nový pohled na zdravé těhotenství

A Revolution in Maternity Care: A New Look at a Healthy Pregnancy

Revoluce v péči o těhotné: Nový pohled na zdravé těhotenství
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A Revolution in Maternity Care: A New Look at a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in a woman's life. As science and medicine advance, our view of caring for pregnant women is constantly evolving. Today we know that a healthy pregn...

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Sluneční záření a hormony: Odhalení skrytého světa vnitřního záření

Sunlight and Hormones: Unraveling the Hidden World of Inner Radiation

In recent years, scientific research has revealed a fascinating connection between hormones and light that may completely change our understanding of human physiology. This connection goes muc...

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Zdravý jídelníček v souladu s přírodou: Primární role světla a správných živin

A healthy diet in harmony with nature: The primary role of light and the right nutrients

In our quest for optimal health and vitality, we often place great emphasis on choosing the right foods. Although diet quality is undoubtedly important, recent research suggests that there is ...

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Nastartujte svůj metabolismus a probuďte své zdraví s léčivou silou červeného světla

Boost your metabolism and awaken your health with the healing power of red light

Imagine holding in your hands the key to better health, a slimmer figure, brighter skin and shinier hair. The key that unlocks the door to a more powerful brain, healthier digestion and a more...

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Bioelektrické mechanismy regenerace: Kritická role stejnosměrných proudů a feroelektrických vlastností v regulaci buněčné diferenciace a tkáňové homeostázy

Bioelectric Mechanisms of Regeneration: The Critical Role of Direct Currents and Ferroelectric Properties in the Regulation of Cell Differentiation and Tissue Homeostasis

MD Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine and bioelectromagnetism, made a significant contribution to the understanding of the role of bioelectrical phenomena in the...

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Serotonin: Maestra našeho mozku a těla

Serotonin: Master of our brain and body

Serotonin, one of the most important neurotransmitters in our body, is often misunderstood and demonized. Many blame it on a variety of health issues, from anxiety to hormonal imbalances. But ...

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Kontroverze kolem DHA: Co vám běžné doplňky neřeknou

The DHA Controversy: What Common Supplements Won't Tell You

In today's fast-paced world, mental health and cognition are more important than ever. With increasing demands on our attention, memory and creativity, we are looking for ways to optimize our ...

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Může umělé světlo v noci zvyšovat riziko cukrovky? Překvapivé výsledky nové studie
Modré světlo a nnEMF

Can artificial light at night increase the risk of diabetes? Surprising results of a new study

Modern times have brought many changes to our lifestyles, including how we are exposed to light. Artificial lighting is ubiquitous and often disrupts our natural rhythms. A new study led by Da...

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Použití REDelios PBM panelu v prevenci a léčbě melanomu: Odborný přehled

Use of the REDelios PBM Panel in the Prevention and Treatment of Melanoma: An Expert Review

Introduction Photobiomodulation (PBM) using red light is increasingly being investigated as a potentially effective method in the fight against skin cancer, especially melanoma. The REDeli...

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DHA a Dopamin: Neviditelní Spojenci pro Zdravý Mozek

DHA and Dopamine: Invisible Allies for a Healthy Brain

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in many brain functions, including motivation, reward, learning and memory. The proper functioning of the dopamine system is essential for ov...

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