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Železo - nepostradatelný minerál pro vitalitu a zdraví

Iron - an indispensable mineral for vitality and health

Železo - nepostradatelný minerál pro vitalitu a zdraví
Vitamíny a minerály

Iron - an indispensable mineral for vitality and health

Iron is an absolutely essential mineral for a number of vital functions in our body. It plays a key role in energy metabolism, is essential for the healthy appearance of hair and skin, helps...

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Hlubokomořské minerály: Zázrak pro vaše zdraví, který si nesmíte nechat ujít
Vitamíny a minerály

Deep Sea Minerals: A miracle for your health that you must not miss

Introduction: In this day and age, where we are constantly exposed to stress, pollution and unhealthy lifestyles, it is more important than ever to take care of our health. And this is where d...

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Mýtus o škodlivosti slunečního záření
Cirkadiánní rytmy

The myth about the harmfulness of sunlight

The whole story about sunlight causing skin cancer is on shaky ground. To date, there has not been a single study investigating the direct impact of sunlight on human skin under natural condit...

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Vitaminový sprchový filtr WASHÍK: Oáza zdraví, krásy a potěšení ve vaší koupelně

WASHÍK vitamin shower filter: An oasis of health, beauty and pleasure in your bathroom

Imagine walking into your bathroom and immediately being surrounded by a fresh, invigorating scent that seems to wash away all the worries of the day. You step into the shower and instead of o...

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Spánek v přirozené tmě: Cesta k lepšímu zdraví a výkonnosti
Cirkadiánní rytmy

Sleeping in Natural Darkness: The Path to Better Health and Performance

Are you longing for really quality sleep that will fill you with energy and optimism every morning? The key to this transformation is sleeping in natural darkness, without the distractions of ...

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Oblečení jako lék i jed: Fascinující fakta o vlivu materiálů na naše zdraví

Clothes as medicine and poison: Fascinating facts about the influence of materials on our health

Did you know that what you wear affects your health more than you think? While natural materials such as linen and wool have a beneficial effect on our body, synthetics and artificial...

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Využití potravy a tukových rezerv v těle pro produkci metabolické vody a energie

Use of food and fat reserves in the body for the production of metabolic water and energy

When our body processes the food we have eaten and also uses the stored fat reserves, not only energy is produced, but also metabolic water. Metabolic water is a special type of water, also kn...

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Jak cirkadiánní rytmus ovlivňuje kojení a vývoj dítěte
Cirkadiánní rytmy

How circadian rhythm affects breastfeeding and baby development

Breastfeeding is one of the most intimate and natural aspects of motherhood, benefiting both mother and child. In recent years, scientific studies have revealed a fascinating connection between ...

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Význam Hořčíku pro Zdravé Stárnutí
Vitamíny a minerály

The Importance of Magnesium for Healthy Aging

Magnesium is a key mineral that plays a vital role in many bodily functions and processes. However, as we age, its level in the body often decreases, which can have far-reaching consequences...

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Vliv mimo sezónních a nelokálních potravin na mitochondrie
Cirkadiánní rytmy

Effect of off-season and non-local foods on mitochondria

According to some theories, eating out-of-season and non-local foods can have a significant impact on the functioning of our mitochondria, the cell organelles responsible for energy production...

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