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Jak nás každodenní vystavení elektromagnetickému záření ovlivňuje? Možná více, než si myslíme

How does our daily exposure to electromagnetic radiation affect us? Maybe more than we think

Jak nás každodenní vystavení elektromagnetickému záření ovlivňuje? Možná více, než si myslíme
Modré světlo a nnEMF

How does our daily exposure to electromagnetic radiation affect us? Maybe more than we think

Nowadays, we are constantly surrounded by wireless technologies such as WiFi networks and mobile devices. These emit high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which we are exposed to pra...

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Adrenální únava: Komplexní problém s kořeny v mozku
Cirkadiánní rytmy

Adrenal Fatigue: A Complex Problem Rooted in the Brain

Introduction Adrenal fatigue is a condition that has been attracting more and more attention recently. It is manifested by chronic fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems, mood swings and other ...

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Vliv UVB záření na vitamin D a výskyt diabetu 1. typu
Cirkadiánní rytmy

The effect of UVB radiation on vitamin D and the occurrence of type 1 diabetes

A recent study provides fascinating insight into the relationship between UVB radiation, vitamin D levels and the incidence of type 1 diabetes in children. The results of this study may have imp...

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Jak umělé noční světlo ovlivňuje naši váhu: Co byste měli vědět
Cirkadiánní rytmy

How artificial night light affects our weight: What you should know

Introduction Many of us are familiar with the recommendations for a healthy diet and regular exercise as ways to prevent obesity. A lesser known but equally important factor that can contrib...

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Příroda je klíčem k našemu estetickému, intelektuálnímu, kognitivnímu a duchovnímu uspokojení.
Cirkadiánní rytmy

Nature is the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and spiritual satisfaction.

Introduction The idea that nature is the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and spiritual satisfaction reveals a deep connection between human cognition and the natural world. The ...

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Kritická úloha slunečního světla v regulaci buněčného zdraví: Důsledky pro chronická onemocnění a psychiatrické poruchy
Cirkadiánní rytmy

The critical role of sunlight in the regulation of cellular health: Implications for chronic disease and psychiatric disorders

The profound effect of sunlight on human health extends far beyond vitamin D synthesis and affects key cellular processes such as the modulation of inflammation, neurotransmitter production, and...

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Hlubokooceánské minerály vs syntetické doplňky: Jaký je rozdíl?
Vitamíny a minerály

Deep Ocean Minerals vs Synthetic Supplements: What's the Difference?

Introduction Minerals are essential for maintaining human health. There are a wide variety of dietary supplements available on the market that contain either deep-ocean or synthetic minerals. ...

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Přírodní vs. syntetické vitamíny a minerály: Jaký je rozdíl?
Vitamíny a minerály

Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamins and Minerals: What's the Difference?

Introduction Vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining human health. There is a wide variety of dietary supplements available on the market that contain either natural or synthetic ...

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Slunce na talíři: Přírodní cykly jako recept na zdravou stravu
Cirkadiánní rytmy

The sun on a plate: Natural cycles as a recipe for a healthy diet

Eating the sun is not science fiction, but a reality rooted in nature. Every bite of our food is the essence of sunlight that forms all living things on Earth. Food grown directly under the su...

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Světelné prostředí a vliv deuteria v ovoci a zelenině
Cirkadiánní rytmy

Light environment and the effect of deuterium in fruits and vegetables

Deuterium and its distribution Deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen, occurs naturally in water and affects everything from photosynthesis to mitochondrial energetics. Its concentration in...

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